Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What has Mama Virgo been up to?

Its obvious to me that the majority of my friends and family have no clue as to what it is I do on a daily basis as a single mother and semi-unemployed citizen. Maybe its because they don't care to ask, they're genuinely not interested, or they're just content with assuming I'm lazy and content with being unemployed living under my Dad's roof. Whatever their reasons may be for being oblivious to Mama Virgo's life, I'd like to believe that maybe they do want to know what I've been up to and don't assume negative things about me. This blog entry will set the record straight on your silent curiosity.
During this past summer I worked at 3 different nightclubs in NYC. It was a lot of fun, I met some real characters and made a new best friend (Baby Virgo). I also learned how to navigate the subways and streets of NYC; something I was previously unknowledgeable about because I always relied on my friends to guide me (definitely NOT the best way to learn for me, I need to learn things on my own to really memorize information). I felt free and happy for the first time in a long time because: A) it was summer B) change of scenery C) had steady income D) it was such an adventurous time! My son also started swimming lessons for the first time and we spent almost everyday at our town pool perfecting his swimming skills which was oh so cute and so much fun! *Proud Virgo Mama* Of course we also we to the beach as much as my wallet would allow because we are beach-fiends and nature lovers.
Once the summer came to an end I was no longer able to work in the city because my son was starting his first year of pre-school and I wanted to put all my time and energy in preparing him for that. I also couldn't work late nights since my son and I would be getting up early for our first time in...ever (lol, we are night owls and the furthest thing from morning-people). Having my son go to school 4 days a week was a huge change for the both of us. For the first 4 years of his life I've been a stay-at-home mom and have spent almost every waking moment with my son (he spent time with his father as well). I LOVE being a stay-at-home mom because I got to witness all his first important milestones and give him the best care possible that no daycare center could ever measure up to. I truly believe staying home with your baby during his or her first years of life is one of the greatest things you could ever do for your child. My mother did the same thing with my 2 sisters and I.
Settling into our new routine of waking up early and adjusting to our new schedule was difficult yet exciting. We needed that because structure is vital and so is school (duh). My son being in school gave me the opportunity to finally have some time to myself during the day and start focusing on what I want to do in my life now that I've fulfilled my motherly duties of caring for my young son during his early years at home and completing my associates degree in human services management. At first, I definitely caught up on all the sleep I lost during the first few years of being a young single mother. Rest that was very needed and much deserved! Then I re-organized my entire house which is a lot of work for those of you who aren't familiar with the task of being a domesticated woman (proud of that too!).
Then came my daily task of applying for "real" jobs. I drop my son off a school, come home, get on my computer, and search the internet for job, after job, after job, after job. I e-mail out endless amounts of applications every single day. Ideally I'd like a job working at a spa, hotel, or non-profit organization. I also search and apply for modeling jobs in NYC, which is one of the most difficult industries to land a career in. I've been working on my own website to showcase my portfolio and modeling work I've done. And last but not least, I keep up with promoting clubs I go to in NYC during my mom time-off (aka when my son goes to his dad's for the weekend).
So there you have it for all of those who have been silently wondering or wrongly assuming. Mama Virgo has been bustin her butt to get a day-job, modeling jobs, nightclub jobs and perfecting my website--all while taking care of my son and making sure he gets all his homework done! Happy baby Gemini=Happy Mama Virgo :)


  1. Wow... This is very personal...

    You are a strong Mama! My heart goes out to you. And your son :) I wish I could say that I was there for my child's milestones... I have my own story. One I am not proud of. Either much love goes out to you and your triumphs.

  2. Aww thanx Jen! I only know portions of your story but you're one of my oldest friends and I still love you & adore your adorable daughter! I have times I'm not proud of either, it happens to everyone, just remember its never to late to be what you might of been :)
