Saturday, March 15, 2014

Farewell to this blog

I haven't written an entry on here in years, but I've been inspired to write again and want to start fresh. I felt its only proper to give this old blog a closing post, that's why I'm writing this. I don't want to delete this blog entirely because I'm attached to some entries on here. The new blog will be very different and have more topics. I will post the link for my upcoming blog once I have everything ready to rock 'n roll. 

-Mama Virgo

Friday, April 8, 2011

Rules for dating a Virgo

Virgo's are very specific people, so I felt its only proper to blog about specific rules for those of you currently dating or pursuing a Virgo. I feel dating a Virgo may need guidance because of our high standards for ourselves, and other's. Virgo's expect the best from their significant other's and dislike when their partners don't put as much effort in as they do.

Be.On.TIME. Never make a Virgo wait, or anyone you're dating for that matter, its just plain rude! Virgo's take careful time preparing for a date and become easily frazzled and annoyed if you're late--especially if you have a pathetic excuse to go with your tardiness. You may of previously intrigued them but if you're one of those people who are always late then be prepared for your Virgo to lose interest.

Keep your appearance neat and maintained. Virgo's are easily grossed out and turned off by those who have bad hygiene, slack off on being well-groomed, sloppy attire, dirty skin and other miscellaneous dirty details Virgo's pick up on immediately. You could be the ultimate catch for a Virgo, but if you're appearance is out-of-order, BYE.

While on a date, please don't over-talk. Virgo's are great listeners but like to have an equal balance of conversation. If you do all the talking (and most of those who do this are completely oblivious to the fact that they can't shut up!) your Virgo may tune you out and not even call you the next day because your on-going conversation with yourself mentally exhausted your Virgo.

Don't ask too many questions. By nature, Virgo's over-analyze way too much; all of your questions may come off as invasive and cause your Virgo to become suspicious or paranoid.

Virgo's often come off as distant, cold, un-emotional, apathetic, or un-interested. This exterior is simply just an exterior. Behind their "cold" demeanor is an overly-active brain that's analyzing your every word, movement, appearance, body language, etc. This is why Virgo's come off distant because their minds literally cannot stop analyzing you and observing what's going on around them. They do not mean to be rude or cold. Once they've observed you and feel a sense of comfort, trust me, the warm-hearted and affectionate Virgo will appear and all their interest in you will be sincere. Don't take offense to their exterior :(

Take. It. Slow. Virgo's hate being rushed into relationships, period. We look before we leap. For Virgo's to feel comfortable you need to have patience and give the relationship time. There's a lot for Virgo's to consider and a lot of pointless thoughts in their head to dispose of as they're getting to know you. It may take months or even a year for a Virgo to feel 100% okay with you (more so with female Virgo's).

Despite popular belief, Virgo's are spontaneous and love doing things on a whim when it comes to activities. However, when it comes to Virgo's they need a general heads-up of what to be prepared for during the date, for example: what time are we meeting up? should I keep my outfit simple or wear something that's casual yet can still get me into a club? will we be outside or indoors? should I eat beforehand so I don't starve while being adventurous? are you paying for everything or should I bring some cash? Once Virgo's get a basic idea of what *could* happen, they're all set to go on an adventure!

Virgo's love a meeting of the minds-aka mentally stimulating conversation. Movie dates aren't a good idea unless you've been dating your Virgo for a while and you both agree that sitting in silence in a movie theater might be relaxing. I personally hate when a guy suggests going to the movies for a date because then I can't get to know him, see his face in light, there's no conversation and we're restricted to a movie theater the entire time. (Mama Virgo only goes to the movies maybe once a year, no joke!) Be creative with your choice of date and don't smother a Virgo with affection or come off as obsessed/easy...that'll creep out a Virgo real quick.

Be prepared and know this now: Virgo's need lots of reassurance with dating and relationships. What I mean by that is, if a you're dating a Virgo and go a day or two without talking, Virgo is going to immediately start to worry about you (your well-being, are you ok? are you in a hospital some where? need help? do you suddenly hate me?) Virgo's are worry-warts BIG TIME. Its understandable if you've only been casually dating and the two of you have an understanding that you don't need to talk everyday, but if you're in a serious relationship with a Virgo then you need to talk on a daily basis. Virgo's love to be supportive and always have lots of questions about how you're doing, how was your day, do you need anything? Don't take this as them being clingy, take it for what it is: they're always genuinely concerned and interested and need their thoughts to be put to rest and the only way this can happen is if you talk to your Virgo everyday :)

Last but not least...your Virgo and the bedroom. I can't really speak for the male Virgo's on this one (but I'd love to hear your input!) but NEVER pressure a Virgo to move fast in the bedroom. If a Virgo doesn't want to have sex with you just yet its because they're simply just not comfortable or they may feel physically and mentally unprepared. Maybe your Virgo isn't feeling sexy that day. If a Virgo doesn't feel good in their own skin when you want to have sex, they're NOT going to enjoy it or give it their all. You want this experience to be amazing so take a hint next time your Virgo's not feelin it and wait it out because once a Virgo's ready, they bring their A game like no other.

Don't hear too many words of affection from your Virgo? That's because Virgo's show their love by doing, not saying. Virgo's aren't exactly verbal creatures and find emotional subjects uncomfortable. If you're in a serious relationship with a Virgo and haven't heard the L word yet (LOVE, duh), its because Virgo's find vocalizing their feelings to be very difficult, way more than other signs would. Virgo's show love and appreciation by doing things for the saying goes *actions speak louder than words* Give it time, eventually you're Virgo may open up and become vocal about his or her feelings towards you :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Risque Carnival Fashion Show

~*Risque Carnival*~

Make-up Artist Jordan & Mama Virgo
Real's *twirl* dress
On March 11th 2011 Mama Virgo had the privilege of working as a model in The Set NYC's event: Risque Carnival. This was my second time doing a fashion show for The Set NYC and this time around I recruited a new friend of mine, make-up artist Jordan Kristin, to come along and do my make-up for the show. Jordan, being more than familiar with the Spanish/Portuguese culture, planned out the perfect make-up look for the theme Carnival. The fashion event took place during the time when the real Carnival takes place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Set NYC brought the Brazilian Carnival vibe to Sea Lounge NYC. I had no idea what designers were coming to the show until I got there, or what the clothes would look like but I was excited as ever to dress up Carnival style! Stylist Camille was there, along with clothing designer Real and bikini crochet designer Ivette Wilson.
Mama Virgo with another model & Eric Perkins from The Set NYC

Mama Virgo & Ivette Wilson
The first look I wore was a lingerie outfit with a matching feather mask put together by Camille--the mask was so pretty! Second look of the night was what I refer to as the twirl dress designed by Real. The twirl dress was so much fun to wear on the runway; the fabric flowed and twirled to the music of Marilyn Manson (one of my favorite music artists of all time). Hearing Manson while on the runway was an unexpected surprise that I'll never forget and cherish forever. Last but not least was Ivette's crochet outfit, my *favorite* outfit thus far out of anything I've worn in previous shows and photo shoots. Her line of hand-crocheted clothing is amazing and comfortable. She tried several different outfits on me before choosing the final one (my behind was a lil on the large side for some of the previous outfits I tried on lol) which is pictured in the photo of me with Jordan and the photo on the left. That outfit felt like it was made exactly for my body; once I put it on I knew I was gonna rock it.

Like any other Set NYC event, this one was just as upbeat and full of good vibes and good people. Having Jordan there with me was a blast and seeing her having fun and interacting with other industry people made me feel really excited for her. I love introducing my friends, who share the same interests when it comes to fashion and make-up, into this world and helping them make connections. I'm not your average model who only cares about making a name for myself and leaving others in the dust to fend for themselves. If I meet someone who is trying to climb the very difficult ladder of the fashion industry; I will introduce them to the industry people I know and keep them informed of things-going-on. That's the Virgo in me, I love to serve and help other's and see them succeed. I'm not a self-consumed bitchy model by any means.

Writing this entry is really frustrating because I have a lot of pictures I want to add to this and Google Blogger sucks when it comes to that. Its not letting me place the pictures where I want them thus screwing up the layout of my entry :( I have more pictures I want to post but I'm going to have to leave them out for now otherwise it'll just mess with the layout even more UGH (switching my blog over to Tumblr ASAP!)

Anyway Risque Carnival turned out to be a fantastic night. Jordan and I clicked really well with one of the male models, Ike Love, who is hilarious! He was really fun to hang out with after the show and made us laugh so much! Fashion blog writer and model friend-of-mine, Laz, came as well and wrote an entry for L'arbitre; his entry is really good. One of my oldest friends from back in the day showed up out of the blue to see me in the show which was so awesome and meant a lot to me. The ultimate bonus to being in this show was Ivette letting me keep the outfit I wore during her part of the show! When she said to me, "I want you to keep this," I almost cried (yeah Mama Virgo can get emotional-I know-strange). That was the first time a designer let me keep one of their outfits and was a huge honor. Ivette's collection of crocheted outfits are truly one-of-a-kind. Please check out Ivette's collection Eves Crochet. I hope to work with her again in the future and look forward to upcoming Set NYC events :-)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Real Men: What happened to them & where are they?

Once upon a time there was a young girl who dreamed of one day meeting a handsome tall man with big muscles who could fix anything with his hands and hold the ability to crush anyone who brought harm and feared no one. She had seen men like this in old movies and photos and was sadly lead to believe that these men would still exist once she was old enough to date. It seemed possible; her father was basically superman and could build a car from scratch. His hands were enormous and she was convinced they were made of steel. Her dad didn't mess around and always did the right thing. If something was broken, he'd fix it immediately. He never drank, smoked or used drugs. He worked around the clock to support his family and never had an excuse not to. Fast forward over a decade later and these manly men are now extinct; the girl is now a woman who is confused and frustrated with the slim pickings of so called "men" in her generation. The men she sees don't have manly hands that are scuffed up, scarred, worn and tough. They're hands might as well be more feminine then her's; same goes for their personalities.

Let me break down the typical 21st century male through the eyes of Mama Virgo:
-They're completely unreliable
-Pathetic excuse after pathetic excuse
-They don't say what they mean or mean what they say
-They're lazy as fuck
-The way they dress...please don't even get me started 
-Most of them couldn't even figure out how to change a let bulb let alone fix their own car
-No sense of family
-Lack of morals
-Lack of drive and persistence
-No respect for women
-98% of them are unfaithful 
-They don't call when they say they will or answer their phones
-They're not MANLY MEN!
-They hang out with a bunch of morons; their group of friends usually suck
-Terrible sense of style
-Too attached to tech gadgets and the internet
-Have no manners

Basically, men have forgotten how to be men. PLEASE stop wearing tight jeans, guyliner, styling your hair like the dudes from Flock of Seagulls (80's reference), treating women like disposable accessories, being blatantly obvious that you're only pursuing a woman for the end goal of having sex with her (its SO obvious and you're all SO dumb), quoting disgusting rappers on your Facebook or Twitter accounts everyday, and get some fucking motivation to learn all the manly things you need to know that should be instinctual to you in the first place! Oh, and most importantly, for all you dad's who treat your baby mama's like garbage, please either remove yourself from society completely or start paying the damn child support and be a proper father-figure in your child's life! If you can't do that, then you don't deserve to breath. 

Guys who are heavy into the club scene...gross (unless you're not a raging club drug addict). Guys who can't give up going out on weekends (or weekdays if you're really that much of an alcoholic) to get wasted instead of spending time doing something creative and constructive...even more gross. Guys who laugh at those who enjoy reading...please dunk your head in the nearest public toilet because that's how disposable your brain is. Guys who disrespect their mom's...find the nearest cliff. Guys who can't go every other word without cursing...there's this thing called a dictionary I highly suggest you purchase one because you sound like an idiot and appear ignorant (major turn off). 

This isn't how I planned on writing this entry, but writer's write according to mood and my mood has shifted since I first started this entry almost 2 months ago. Let me just say...if today's men could research how men were in the 1920's, 30's, 40's, 50's and even 60's...and they actually LEARNED from their research...they would benefit greatly and maybe us women would no longer have to put up with all you pansies! I'm SO sick of going out and being surrounded by stupid "men" every where! What is wrong with all of you?! It seems like there's no escape at this point and women just might have to resort to lesbianism.


Feel free to comment. Ladies, feel free to leave some comments stating other things you dislike about the 21st century man, I'd love to hear other's opinions.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekdays & Writers Block

Hans Christian Andersen, famous author who suffered from depression but wrote great fairy tales, 4/9/1805-8/4/1875

I can't write about things I don't want to write about. I can't write when I'm tired. I can't write when I have anxiety about writing. I will not write when I'm extremely depressed, but I will write when I'm depressed. I especially will not write when I have too many topics I want to write about and can't decide on which one to start first because there's too many aspects of inspiration and I can't narrow them all down, for example, this past month and the last half of February I've had plenty of things I wanted to blog about but didn't all because of the reasons I just listed. Five minutes ago I read through one of my drafts for a blog entry I can't WAIT to write about...but because its a weekday, I'm tired as FUCK, anxious, extremely depressed and have other entries waiting to be finished...I can't finish that one awesome draft. All I can do and want to do is write about writing and how I can't write...hence why I'm writing so much right now because I feel so deeply about this topic that its causing me anxiety so now I have to write about it. This blog entry will probably make you question stuff or just really confused. I can't imagine anyone understanding this unless you're also a Virgo who suffers from always being tired, writing like a mad [wo]man, and goes through "black moods" quite often.

Weekdays really blow. I don't have a day job and hate daytime hours AND its cold out! Its the shitty month of March which only leads to the lousy month of April thus equaling a long wait till the pretty month of May (my son's birthday is in May :-). I get my best ideas and inspiration for writing at night; specifically when I'm laying in bed trying to go to sleep. This keeps me awake. I don't get out of bed to write and get everything out of my head...because one would think that would help me sleep...but no, if I do that then I'll go in to a state of hyper-writing (not sure if that's an actual term but I'll use it) and write for hours on end in to the dawn thus feeling even more tired the next day. Then once I'm finally asleep I have the craziest, sickest, most life-like dreams ever and when I wake up I want to write about them but can't because I have to get my nocturnal ass up and get my son ready for school. By the time I can sit down and write about them, I usually don't want to write anymore. Sometimes I'll briefly jot down what happened in my dream and then go back to it with a better picture of what happened. I recently had one of the coolest dreams ever and it was by far one of my absolute favorites. I wrote about it and I plan on turning it in to a story; that'll take forever to finish because like I said I can only write when the mood strikes and sometimes weeks even months can go by where I can't write. When I do finish that story though, its gonna be really good.

This entry just subjected you to what is known as "free writing." I just kept typing every single thought that came to mind without stopping or rephrasing anything (only thing I added afterwards is the picture of Hans Christian Andersen). Maybe now that I got this out of my system I can get back my inspiration and will to finish the drafts and start new entries that are waiting to be written and read.

Random statement: I changed my blog background from one of my portfolio photos to a plain white rose because I'm kinda like on the fence about how I feel in regards to posting  my face on every type of social networking site...on one hand I feel like it attracts more readers and gives them a better connection/visual as to who I am...and on the other hand I'm thinking to myself: who the fuck wants to see my picture plastered all over this blog every time they read my stuff? I'm also weirded out by my own modeling pictures; its unreal to me and creepy, like Ripley's, believe it or not. I can't find a satisfying background image for the Google blogger so I chose the plain rose for now. I tried to find cool Virgo backgrounds via Google search engine but there was nothing everything was really tacky ::wishing I was a graphic designer::

To all my fellow Virgo's out there who are also going through black moods and feeling very melancholy: don't worry, because I will.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Virgo of the Month: Charlie Sheen

Well well well, look whose a Virgo. 

I think that sentence alone is good enough to cover my *Virgo of the Month* March edition, but since Charlie  is such a controversial character and so prominent in the media right now; I must elaborate. Lets start with his birthday, September 3rd 1965. Now, notice his cheek bones, very Virgo-like. I approve. I admire his creative catch phrases and ideas. Before all the Charlie Sheen madness started I wasn't necessarily a "fan" of his nor did I pay much attention to him mostly because of all the domestic violence offenses filed against him by his x's (you lost major points there Charlie). I actually was more confused as to how his younger brother, Emilio Estevez (Taurus), is related to him. I loved Emilio in The Breakfast Club. Back to Charlie and his crazy Virgo antics. Watching his recent interview with his "Goddesses" really disturbed me because his baby boys were involved, and as a mother I would be FURIOUS if my son's father ever did anything like that around my son and those "Goddesses" would no longer be breathing. I hope his kids don't have to be exposed to that again. that I just sat here and thought about how pissed off I am about what his children are going through...I don't really want to write about Charlie Sheen anymore. I know a lot of younger guys think Charlie is awesome now and the idea of having two chicks help raise your kids is "cool," and that's just a really scary thought in itself. Younger men in todays society DO NOT need anymore shitty male influences; they're already beyond stupid and this just might make it worse. This blog is turning into a Public Service Announcement very quickly.

Charlie Sheen is a Virgo, sigh. His Twitter is very funny and entertaining, so are some of the things he says and does. I must admit I love his latest self-description: "unemployed winner," because I consider myself an unemployed winner too. However, I can't let him get a *Mama Virgo Approved* pass for just being funny and a great actor. Virgo's are very perceptive, intellectual and deep I hope Charlie Sheen can come to grips soon for the sake of his 4 children and stop threatening his baby mama's. The Virgo in him will eventually do the right thing...? On the bright side...I think its safe to say all Virgo's have Tigers Blood.

Risque Carnival!

The Set NYC Presents: Risque Carnival!

One of New York City's most diverse entertainment company is bringing the Carnival of Rio to Manhattan for one night this Friday March 11th at Sea Lounge located at 835 Washington Street [meatpacking district]. $15 entry fee comes with a yummy Caipirinha drink! Samba your way in to the lounge for all-night house music by DJ TEC NIK and a fashion show with gorgeous people rocking some very Risque underwear and swimwear ;-) *Underwear becomes Outerwear* A contest will also be held. Mama Virgo will be there all night and you'll get to see me strut my stuff in the fashion show along with other beautiful models. This event is going to be a fantastic place for models, stylists, photographers, make-up artists, producers and designers to network so be sure not to miss out on this great opportunity to make connections while enjoying a fabulous night! I hope to see you there and I look forward to meeting new people!