Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Virgo NYE

Its 2011!!!! Mama Virgo is actually kind of sad that its no longer 2010 because 2010 was hands down one of the most amazing life-changing years of my life-meaning 2011 has to top 2010 so there's some serious competition in that department. I had a lot of "firsts" in 2010 (losing my virginity wasn't one of them...). To recap my firsts brings nostalgia to my soul. Starting with really exploring NYC on my own, that was huge, I've been going to the city since birth but for some reason never pushed myself to just take advantage of the sites on my own and learn the roads. I also went to the beach as much as humanly possible this past summer and for the first time, left for the beach WAY before dawn with one of my good girlfriends. We got to Robert Moses beach in Long Island as the sun was rising, set up camp, fell asleep on the beach, and woke up around 10AM to the ocean and immediately went swimming. I'll never forget that day. I'm a beach fiend and would rather swim in the ocean than a pool so that was a very special day.
I made a ton of new friends and connections in 2010 that I never would of seen coming back in 2009. Mama Virgo truly came alive in 2010 and spread her *social butterfly* wings to the extreme (I hate the term social butterfly being that I'm an introvert). 2010 was like the year of women for me. I made friends with a lot of cool chicks and hung out with them more than I did my guy friends. It was a much needed change to my life because I've been like one of the guys for so long that I really lost faith in the fact that women could be real. Hanging out with mostly females for a year was awesome. I finally got to do all the girly shit I used to see my sisters do with their friends. I'm happy to say the friends I made in 2010 have become, what I consider, parts of my "circle" (I don't actually have a circle of friends, everyone split up or moved away or don't get along, so the term circle doesn't mean circle...confused?).
Of course another huge part of 2010 was meeting Baby Virgo in the city at one of the clubs we used to work at. Baby Virgo changed my life and vise versa. She's the ultimate female friend (I hope I don't piss off my other female friends by saying that...but true friends will understand). Our friendship has grown so strong, and is so beyond this planet, its like mystical Virgo spirits becoming one...some people are definitely reading this right now and thinking we're completely nuts...
The biggest first of 2010 for Mama Virgo was going on a plane. Yup. Never been on a plane until August of 2010 when me, my son and my dad went to San Diego, CA. Growing up my parents could never afford to take all 5 of us on a plane to vacation some where so we spent the majority of our summers on the Jersey Shore (damn proud, love JS). Long story short, I'd been on an e-mailing list for a photography company out in San Diego that works with FHM. They had been e-mailing me opportunities for about a year at that point and I kept ignoring most of them because I couldn't fathom a way to get myself to Cali. Then August rolls around and they e-mailed me an offer I couldn't refuse. I MADE a way. It truly was mind over matter, determination, belief in myself 100%, hard work, that got me to Cali. When I first told my parents they both shunned the idea and called it "pipe dreams"...very typical reaction that I knew was coming and was prepared for. I told them I'm going with or without their support, yada yada, the whole "I can do it" speech, but this time I meant it and believed it. And it worked. My Dad was the one who believed in me and surprised me out of nowhere one day at the pizzeria over lunch, telling me, "We're going to California. Me you and the baby."
It still wasn't easy getting to Cali from that point on, but the fact that my Dad said that, and was willing to make this happen with me, is still astounding to me and speaks volumes about what lengths he'll go. So my Dad left it up to me to plan the whole trip, book the flights, hotel, car rental, the whole 9 yards. I've never planned for anything like this in my life so I had no clue what I was doing. I did research day and night, stressed over every little detail about traveling across country with a small child and what I needed to bring to my photo shoot.
The plane ride was so much fun! So many people had warned me about how much plane rides suck so I was all prepared for a shitty plane ride...come to find out that plane rides are actually fun. The coolest part was guessing which states we were flying above while looking at a map book and finding out most of our guesses were right. My son loved that. Coming from the east coast to visit the west coast for the first time ever (My Dad's never been there either) was so mind blowing I still can't get over it. My Dad and I found a lot of the reality out there to be very...unrealistic and fantasy like. We loved it though, my son had a blast, it was his first time going on vacation and man did he get the royal treatment in Cali. We're hoping to go back to Cali this summer :)
My son started his first year of school in 2010. My Dad and I took him to a lot of new places which I'm so grateful for. As mentioned in a previous entry, I did my first runway show, got my body painted for the first time, saw the Rockette's at Radio City for the first time (why my parents never took my sisters and I to see that when we were kids...Idk?). I went to a lot of *exclusive NYC night clubs* as well with friends. I got gigs with The Set NYC. One of my oldest friends took me to Fashion Night Out and I ended up being let into an exclusive party for Vogue. I found a bunch of long lost family members without even looking. I started this whole Mama Virgo image, which is real, its who I am and what I'm about all day everyday, now I'm just trying to make it known.
Unfortunately I did lose two friends in 2010, Pete and Miles. Pete passed away in February and Miles passed in November. Those were firsts I wish didn't happen...the harshness of reality and how quickly someone can be taken from this world.
I kicked off 2011 with my cousins, my son, and Baby Virgo. It was all last minute which is always the recipe for a perfectly bad ass night. My cousin Thomas invited me over to his NYE party. Being that my son was going to be with me NYE I was happy to go to his party since we'd be surrounded by family and I'd also have my mom there to watch my son while Baby Virgo & I participated in some adult beverage related activities. The fact that Baby Virgo wanted to spend NYE with me even if it meant hanging out with my family and son on a night where most friends would definitely reject that option meant the world to me and just adds to the list of things I love about her. She really took me by surprise when she told me she wanted to come with me upstate to my cousins because she wanted us Virgo's to be together when the ball dropped *aw sentimental* It would also be our last weekend together before she left to go spend some time in Peru for the next few months. Our NYE kicked ASS. We wore yellow underwear from Victoria's Secret that said on the front *New Year* and the back *New Boys* ;) My cousins know how to throw a party so the next day was a complete Virgo relaxation day. We were lazy as fuck New Years Day and did things only Virg's would find enjoyable. The day after that, I had to bid farewell to my Baby Virg as I dropped her off at the train station so she could be on her way to Peru :( I won't see her again till April.
Till then Baby Virgo and I continue to talk daily on the internet and I'm just continuing to build my Mama Virgo empire. I'm on an endless quest to fulfill my modeling career and branch out as much as possible. So far 2011 has been good, my Dad and I have also started to make some major changes as a family. I lived in 2010, I need to keep living in 2011 and stay on the right track to welcome new experiences and believe in positivity. I have some cool opportunities that have been proposed to me recently that I'm currently working 2011...Mama Virgo is ready.

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