Thursday, January 13, 2011

No *sign* of a Leo here...

Ok, ok, ok. I've read just about every article, every Facebook and Twitter update, regarding this zodiac "change." I'm always a target when it comes to zodiac-related subjects because I wear my Virgo identity on my sleeve and every body knows I'm all about Virgo-ness every second of the day--so when I got the first text message in my phone today telling me I'm a LEO, I knew this was only the beginning of SHIT I'd be hearing for a long time about Mama Virgo not being a Virgo. Within a matter of 10 minutes my phone and Facebook was blowing up with messages. I think people are truly getting off on the fact that some Virgo's could be considered Leo's now and they'll be shoving this in my face for a while. Newsflash: I was born in 1987 so the zodiac change doesn't apply to me or anyone born before 2011.


That's not meant to sound bitchy or come off as some brat that's trying to get you to stop with the Leo shit, but I'm already seriously annoyed with people who have called me a Leo. It just irritates me that people could be so foolish especially during a time when I'm building up the Mama Virgo brand. Just don't call me a Leo, please, I want to keep you in my mind as a cool person not as the person who called me a Leo.

Let me just put it all out there, my dislike for Leo's is deeply rooted and tied to a particular Leo family member. That's where my dislike for the fire sign originated. Growing up with a Leo taught me all the ways in which we are entirely separate people that live on polar opposite wave lengths that will never meet in the middle. I'm beyond baffled by the way Leo's do things (and some other signs as well). I don't "hate" all Leo's, I'm actually very good friends with a few of them and like them a lot for who they are as people. One of my cousin's is a Leo and she's one of the coolest people EVER. However, that being said, the majority of Leo's I meet turn me off before I even know they're Leo's. Its like some subconscious signal is set off inside my head that's like...nah...I can't vibe with this person at all. Then I find out they're Leo's...and it all makes sense. They're fire, I'm Earth. Black and white. Like water and oil. Plain and simple. WE DON'T MIX. This subconscious zodiac signal only goes off when I meet Leo's or Scorpio's. I can smell 'em a mile away and know their traits like the back of my hand. Other signs don't give me the same warning as those two do.

I've been wanting to blog about why being a Virgo is so important to me for a while now, and today just gives me a great reason to explain where the Virgo astrology obsession started. Ever since I could remember I've known I was a Virgo. I didn't know growing up that I was the quintessential Virgo or that there was a term for my being, I just knew there was a huge difference in my personality traits, behavior, habits...the way I did things...that was totally different than my family, which doesn't consist of any other Virgo's except for my Grandpa whose birthday is a day before mine :-) We always celebrated our birthday together as Virgo's. My Mom has always been into astrology and passed it on to my sister's and I. She didn't force it on us or anything but it was more prominent in my family than other's from what I observed. I started asking her for astrology books at an early age, reading horoscopes (not just mine but all the other signs as well), hanging out in the astrology section of the book store and learning as much as I could about it. I would silently study everyone in my life and then read up on their astrology signs later. To this day, the personalities I've studied and compared to zodiac signs are perfect matches. Some with zodiac traits stronger than other's of course.

My favorite thing to read up on is about people who dislike astrology and think its a joke. Travolta, my Dad, for example thinks the concept of astrology is hilarious and phony. Come to find out, he's the ultimate Cancer! If anything could explain my father's unique personality and behavior (and I use the word unique because its the least offensive word I can think of to describe such a misunderstood man) it was the zodiac's description of Cancer. He still gets annoyed when I bring up anything astrology related but I do it anyway because its so on point about him :-)

Once I fully realized that my habits, likes, dislikes, physical appearance and health, traits, style, way of thinking, matched the way of the Virgo 150 million percent, I was sold and felt less alone in the world. Just to be sure I would read and study other signs to see if I had any relation to them at all...and guess who was the furthest away from my personality? HUMM? LEO? Yeah, you, Leo, you're no where near Virgo when it comes to how Virgo's function. Obviously I have great traits in common with my fellow Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn :-) Whenever I meet someone new in my life, and we vibe really well as if we're the same person, you bet your zodiac-disbelieving ass those new people are either a Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgo ;-) It NEVER fails. My closest friends end up being Earth signs and that's for a reason! We're cut from the same mold, not FIRE, not AIR, not WATER, but EARTH. When I met Baby Virgo the connection was instant. I didn't know for a fact that she was a Virgo with the same birthday as I until a month later, but before we showed one another our ID's, we both had a subconscious feeling inside hinting that we're Virgo soul mates.

Virgo's can always detect other Virgo's. I've been out in the most random of locations and met other Virgo's who automatically pick up on the fact that I'm a Virgo as well. We're always elated when we discover we're Virgo's and a type of love and respect emits like no other. It may sound corny to those of you who aren't Virgo's or haven't experienced something similar with your own fellow zodiac signs, but its true and its real. For someone to just tell me out of no where that Virgo's are now considered Leo's is literally like taking a knife to my heart and soul and shredding it. That's like replacing my brain, personality, habits...everything...with an entirely new identity. If I were to accept Leo as my star sign I should get a sex change and just become a man because that's how drastic of a change it would be for me to accept the Leo identity. I only recently discovered that my moon sign is Gemini, which I'm content with, Gemini's aren't my favs on the zodiac ladder (no offense) but they're still really awesome and my son's a Gemini so I can't dislike. Finding out my moon sign provided me with enough new zodiac info to research for the next couple of years. I just began researching how the Gemini moon relates to me as a person. Now to hear about this whole zodiac switch these scientists just pulled on all of us was way too much for Mama Virgo's soul to take.

I know some people think I'm silly for being such a deep believer in the zodiac. I've heard the backlash all my life. Then again, I know just as many, if not more, people who believe just as deeply as I do in the zodiac so I know I'm not alone in my fascination :-) I also would like to add that I do not consider myself to be on a higher level just because I'm a Virgo. I don't just talk about Virgo stuff all the time to annoy other's or brag about how amazing Virgo's are. I do it because I live it. I can't stop talking about it, living it, breathing it, feeling it in my everyday motions and experiences and schedule--that's why its SO prominent in my being. I'm just as interested in other star signs as I am my own. I read all of your horoscopes all the time. I research all your traits. I read my own horoscope either at the end of the night or the next day to test see if what it said was true or related to my day in any way. I'd say 97% of the time its correct about my day. Then I read a few other horoscopes to see if they could match with mine and what I did that day, and no surprise here, they don't add up to Virgo. Also, I do not plan my life around what my horoscopes say, I do not look to as a fortune teller or the end-all be-all of explanations. I create my own destiny, I decide my own path, I like people based on who they are not just their astrology sign.

Sometimes for fucks sake I won't ask a new friend their zodiac sign, I'll just study them for a little while and take mental notes, then after some time I'll ask them what their sign is and I end up being right about my suspicions all along. There are some random ass people that throw me for a loop though and catch me off guard. I've actually met 4 Leo's that do NOT come off as Leo's at all which is shocking because Leo's have such strong personalities. I've also met Virgo's who don't act very Virgo-like or show the known physical attributes of a Virgo--this is rare though. There's always exceptions, this I know and am fully aware of just in case you think I'm certified looney tunes after reading this blog entry. Now that my whole day has been disrupted, which Virgo's do not handle well, I have to reconfigure my mood and put myself back on track, not  an easy task for Mama Virgo. I was having a good day, I had a bunch of things I wanted to get done, new blog entries to work on, ideas to bring to life, and all of this hasn't been accomplished yet because of the zodiac "switch" news. One of my biggest pet peeves-having my plans for the day thrown off course and pushed aside.

I'll end this entry with a Virgo fact: "Virgo exist in the mind, everything inside...they live in their minds not in their emotions and feelings. Virgo is a very independent zodiac sign."


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