Friday, April 8, 2011

Rules for dating a Virgo

Virgo's are very specific people, so I felt its only proper to blog about specific rules for those of you currently dating or pursuing a Virgo. I feel dating a Virgo may need guidance because of our high standards for ourselves, and other's. Virgo's expect the best from their significant other's and dislike when their partners don't put as much effort in as they do.

Be.On.TIME. Never make a Virgo wait, or anyone you're dating for that matter, its just plain rude! Virgo's take careful time preparing for a date and become easily frazzled and annoyed if you're late--especially if you have a pathetic excuse to go with your tardiness. You may of previously intrigued them but if you're one of those people who are always late then be prepared for your Virgo to lose interest.

Keep your appearance neat and maintained. Virgo's are easily grossed out and turned off by those who have bad hygiene, slack off on being well-groomed, sloppy attire, dirty skin and other miscellaneous dirty details Virgo's pick up on immediately. You could be the ultimate catch for a Virgo, but if you're appearance is out-of-order, BYE.

While on a date, please don't over-talk. Virgo's are great listeners but like to have an equal balance of conversation. If you do all the talking (and most of those who do this are completely oblivious to the fact that they can't shut up!) your Virgo may tune you out and not even call you the next day because your on-going conversation with yourself mentally exhausted your Virgo.

Don't ask too many questions. By nature, Virgo's over-analyze way too much; all of your questions may come off as invasive and cause your Virgo to become suspicious or paranoid.

Virgo's often come off as distant, cold, un-emotional, apathetic, or un-interested. This exterior is simply just an exterior. Behind their "cold" demeanor is an overly-active brain that's analyzing your every word, movement, appearance, body language, etc. This is why Virgo's come off distant because their minds literally cannot stop analyzing you and observing what's going on around them. They do not mean to be rude or cold. Once they've observed you and feel a sense of comfort, trust me, the warm-hearted and affectionate Virgo will appear and all their interest in you will be sincere. Don't take offense to their exterior :(

Take. It. Slow. Virgo's hate being rushed into relationships, period. We look before we leap. For Virgo's to feel comfortable you need to have patience and give the relationship time. There's a lot for Virgo's to consider and a lot of pointless thoughts in their head to dispose of as they're getting to know you. It may take months or even a year for a Virgo to feel 100% okay with you (more so with female Virgo's).

Despite popular belief, Virgo's are spontaneous and love doing things on a whim when it comes to activities. However, when it comes to Virgo's they need a general heads-up of what to be prepared for during the date, for example: what time are we meeting up? should I keep my outfit simple or wear something that's casual yet can still get me into a club? will we be outside or indoors? should I eat beforehand so I don't starve while being adventurous? are you paying for everything or should I bring some cash? Once Virgo's get a basic idea of what *could* happen, they're all set to go on an adventure!

Virgo's love a meeting of the minds-aka mentally stimulating conversation. Movie dates aren't a good idea unless you've been dating your Virgo for a while and you both agree that sitting in silence in a movie theater might be relaxing. I personally hate when a guy suggests going to the movies for a date because then I can't get to know him, see his face in light, there's no conversation and we're restricted to a movie theater the entire time. (Mama Virgo only goes to the movies maybe once a year, no joke!) Be creative with your choice of date and don't smother a Virgo with affection or come off as obsessed/easy...that'll creep out a Virgo real quick.

Be prepared and know this now: Virgo's need lots of reassurance with dating and relationships. What I mean by that is, if a you're dating a Virgo and go a day or two without talking, Virgo is going to immediately start to worry about you (your well-being, are you ok? are you in a hospital some where? need help? do you suddenly hate me?) Virgo's are worry-warts BIG TIME. Its understandable if you've only been casually dating and the two of you have an understanding that you don't need to talk everyday, but if you're in a serious relationship with a Virgo then you need to talk on a daily basis. Virgo's love to be supportive and always have lots of questions about how you're doing, how was your day, do you need anything? Don't take this as them being clingy, take it for what it is: they're always genuinely concerned and interested and need their thoughts to be put to rest and the only way this can happen is if you talk to your Virgo everyday :)

Last but not least...your Virgo and the bedroom. I can't really speak for the male Virgo's on this one (but I'd love to hear your input!) but NEVER pressure a Virgo to move fast in the bedroom. If a Virgo doesn't want to have sex with you just yet its because they're simply just not comfortable or they may feel physically and mentally unprepared. Maybe your Virgo isn't feeling sexy that day. If a Virgo doesn't feel good in their own skin when you want to have sex, they're NOT going to enjoy it or give it their all. You want this experience to be amazing so take a hint next time your Virgo's not feelin it and wait it out because once a Virgo's ready, they bring their A game like no other.

Don't hear too many words of affection from your Virgo? That's because Virgo's show their love by doing, not saying. Virgo's aren't exactly verbal creatures and find emotional subjects uncomfortable. If you're in a serious relationship with a Virgo and haven't heard the L word yet (LOVE, duh), its because Virgo's find vocalizing their feelings to be very difficult, way more than other signs would. Virgo's show love and appreciation by doing things for the saying goes *actions speak louder than words* Give it time, eventually you're Virgo may open up and become vocal about his or her feelings towards you :)


  1. I luv it! Especially the bonus! Actions DO SPEAK louder than words! And ACTIONS are what I go by :) s/o to Mama Virgo! Most sincerely, PrettyNPink813

  2. Love this post! I'd say this is great advice for dating in general, but #5 REALLY hit home with me as a Virgo. I *am* #5! Great post, MV!

  3. Thanx! These rules could definitely apply to non-Virgo's too but a lot of them are specific to us Virgo's :)

  4. *first* I am a Male Virgo :)

    I have to say that most of these rules apply to me.... Well duh I am a Virgo, just reading them made me smile and nod think holly crap I do that the only difference is that I Love going to the Movies and relaxing alone I am an introvert,I guess it's because I normally talk before during and after the movie why I don't mind it.

    In my mind the only fit for a Virgo is a Virgo as no one else will ever understand them.

    What do you think ?

    1. Pisces don't! I've just came out of a 7 month relationship with a Pisces.
      First 3 months were fantastic...the next 4 drained the life out of me. Between the disappearing acts and push/pull syndrome I finally had enough and finished it.

    2. I'm a Pisces female and things are going great with the Virgo I date! He agrees that I'm the only woman who has understood him and I genuinely do/strive to every day. I respected his need for wanting to take things slow and was always willing to give him space when I noticed he was being distant in the beginning. Because of that, he gravitated toward me even more. Now he vocalizes and expresses his love like no other man has ever in my life! We keep an open line of communication at all times and really look out for each other. I am loving it!

    3. I'm a Pisces female and things are going great with the Virgo I date! He agrees that I'm the only woman who has understood him and I genuinely do/strive to every day. I respected his need for wanting to take things slow and was always willing to give him space when I noticed he was being distant in the beginning. Because of that, he gravitated toward me even more. Now he vocalizes and expresses his love like no other man has ever in my life! We keep an open line of communication at all times and really look out for each other. I am loving it!

  5. Rule 11:

    Never date a co-worker. Where you earn money you earn it but never date the same person. People around you gossip especially you broke off and divorce people notice. It's not comfortable to date the place you work even different dept. Personally I prefer dating someone who work some other place and we meet somewhere else during dating.

  6. On number *Ten* MALE virgo in the bedroom. Virgos by nature always want to have the "A" game on and that goes for the bedroom as well. If we are not feeling it then your right let it go. Would you prefer one awesome run at it or many little fizzle and no flame runs? We are romantics, candles, silk boxers, sexy attire for the ladys etc. etc. and are open minded with their special partner. Something that may have creeped a male virgo out as a single guy maybe 100% ok with their special partner. You can figure that one out, SO BRING IT ON !!! BTW read between the lines on #10 and the *Bonus* and you will have an awesome lover in the bedroom.

  7. Great Post Mama Virgo! I've followed you on Twiter for about a year now and love this article. As for Virgo men in bed, I agree that we have to be in the right frame of mind. If we are, then our parter will be in for a great night. We are selfless when making love because we get enjoyment by pleasing others. P.S. You are beautiful BTW! x

  8. This really helped. Answered alot of questions and concerns. I Love my Virgo to pieces. - Pisces Queen.

  9. Love this post! I've been dating a Virgo male for about 2 months, and it has been going realllly slow, but I don't mind it. I'd rather take things slow. He's a great guy, very considerate, and hasn't done or said anything wrong yet. This all rings true, so I am hopeful for the future. :)

  10. Yeah . . . ah I believe #1 should be: don't EVER disagree with a Virgo because they are always right and you couldn't possibly possess even a fraction of their brilliance and insightfulness.

  11. LOVING the last reply to this post! Its me, Mama Virgo herself writing back to you guys!I haven't been active on this site in like 2 years!! I got addicted to Tumlbr instead :( but I appreciate all your awesome comments & Virgo love! I plan on coming up with a new website soon so stay tuned :)


  12. Need some advise. I met a Virgo at a work event (we work for the same company but different cities). Mr Virgo seemed to be interested in me and would make any excuse to talk to me over the phone. After talking for few weeks, I decided that it would be ok to go out with Mr Virgo. We both felt very comfortable with our company that night and had a great night at a club. After the club that night we ended up at his place and I ended spending the night with him (he was definitely and A game that night). couple of days after, Mr Virgo kept in touch with me and everything seem to good to be true. The following days he was very distant with me that I had to contact Mr Virgo just to make sure he was ok. We kept in touch very little ,but then never heard back from him. me being a Taurus woman my pride got in the way and decided not look for him again. What went wrong? Will I hear back from him? I'm really interested on Mr Virgo, Help.

    1. you were too easy....... they (and many others) want an easy catch.... you should have saved it waited

      ring on it

  13. @AnonymousOct7, I wouldn't be concerned if it's only been a few days, but if it's been weeks since you've heard from him, take the initiative and send him a text message or call him to ask how he's doing. Just mention you've been a bit busy (to save him face) but wondered about him. Virgos tend to be hot and cold but don't take it personally. Just go with the flow. If he responds just as nice as he ever was, then there's nothing to worry about. Obviously, if it seems like he doesn't want to get together again, then take it as a hint that he's lost interest, met someone else, or is playing mind games. Do not chase after him, but do express some interest. He needs occasional reassurance. If he truly likes you, he'd think you're worth the effort though.

  14. I have a friend that's a virgo and I like her but it seems like I did all the things it says not to do to her she stop talking to me for like a year and know out of no where she says shes sorry and that she wants to be there for me I text her back but im afraid to say anything to her I don't know what to say she hasent text me back can some one help me out

  15. I know this is nuts, he is a married man @ my co worker @ superior, it started when I noticed he was watching from far and staring at me @ taking glance when he is near, caught him many times, but I wonder if this is one way of him showing his interest or just his curiosity, as a superior he also look for me during weekends @ when on leave texting me on work related matters. I seldom talk to him, unless for work...but carrying out my duty with flying colors, am hardworking, am single...when we talk he is looking deeply into my eyes, am the confident type, so have no problem with's been two years now, there was one time I was really angry with him for picking flaws which actually I myself don't know about it...he texted, explained and said sorry and also find ways to get an apology, he also remembers my birthday...he also help me do work that is actually mind, concern of my need and complaints, can someone tell me what are all these signs means. Is virgo kind towards those who work under them or to friends?

    1. hey anonymous... am a virgo... u mind telling your astrological sign... i think... just on the guessing side that you are either an aquarius or a scorpio... please tell your sign...

  16. I heard from colleagues, that he is a good husband, he has kids, always helps his wife out with house work, so unlikely he has feelings for me, but why he keeps on staring at me, and why when we talk he has this mischievous glint and smile, if he is a good husband he wont be looking at other girls, am not that pretty but definitely not ugly, but I see that we have similar traits...

  17. not only is the girl that I love a virgo theres anther girl whos also a virgo that's very pretty with big breast shes always staring at me, smiling at me and touching my muscles and giving me hugs she gets me really horny but its weird because shes my cousin they got me both mixed up and confused I don't know what to do

  18. How about a part 2 on this article (more tips!)

  19. If a virgo man tells you he loves you when he's drunk, does he mean it? He said that twice while drunk, never sober. Overall he acts like he cares but the lack of reassurance sometimes makes me needy

  20. hi, i met a virgo guy once and then we spoke everyday via text and everything was going super well. then he dissaparead now for 5 days. why?

  21. Glad to hear someone say this...I have been dating a Virgo man on and off for 2 years, it's the most confusing relationship I've ever been in...He is so hot and cold at times, not only do I question if he loves me but at time I wonder if he even likes me..
    We had been broke up for several months with no contact, no text, although we have the same friends I managed to stay away from him...about 7 months of not seeing him I received a text message from him on a Friday morning telling me he was "sorry he had hurt me and that he thought of me often." I replied thank you!" after a little back and forth small talk, he asked if we could meet for a drink to talk, I told him I thought we had said everything to one another that needed to be said..He responded that he actually had some things he wanted to say to me..We met that weekend and talked...He told me " Not only do I love you, but I am in love with you and I have done everything I could to push you away since we met, I've hurt you so much and I am so sorry, I can't explain why I've done it...When I met you I have just gotten out of a relationship a few months prior and I did not want to jump back into anything but I was blown away by the way I felt about you...(he's 55)...He said but after 2 you are still the first person I think about when I wake up in the morning and I think about you all the time, you have no idea how much or how much I love you, possibly more then I have ever loved anyone.." This was all very shocking to me considering he is very controlled with his emotions and had never told me he loved me before....So we have been dating for 5 months and I'm still as confused with the hot/cold as ever....I'll go days if not a couple of weeks with not hearing from him...if I contact him, he usually response within minutes, but I don't want to feel like I'm the one making the relationship work on my own...I love this man, like I have never loved before, but being a Libra, I'm not clingy and love my independence and space, but I also have the need to feel loved and given attention....I still wonder everyday, if he actually loves me? because he does not tell me very all...
    I feel like he communicates with other people and women in his life (friends) then he does's the most insecure relationship I've ever been in and if I complain about it in the least then he just stops talking to me for a while...

  22. I dated a virgo woman. We had been friends online for nearly a year before. Then I realized that I had deep feelings for her. I asked her to dinner. She said ok, so we met up and it only took me 5 minutes to realize that I loved her, and not just any love, but a love for the ages. I took her on a few more outings, just as friends because she never indicated she wanted anything more, well she touched my arm, but she was talking to my mother when she did and I was driving. Anyway, my love for her grew deeper and I was ready to tell her so, but she beat me to it. So we "fell in love", so I thought. Then things started going south. She told me had to move but she kept giving reasons why I couldn't help her move into her new place. The move was because she was being evicted, so she said a friend of hers was putting his name on the lease for the new place because with a recent eviction she wouldn't be able to rent anywhere. Ok. I didnt think there was anything wrong with that. Then she started to avoid me. She didn't answer my messages at all for weeks at a time. I know she saw them and when ( thank you, Facebook ) she saw them. So while all this was going on she also said her friend was going to help her with getting a job on a temp project of about 3 weeks duration. She had been out of a job for a while and that's what I thoufht the eviction was about. So i still didn't think anything was wrong, I thought how nice of her friend to do that, but her friend said she would have to come up with 2 months rent before he would sign the lease. She said she didn't have all the money so I gave her half of what she needed because it was all I had to give. Now there's so much more to this story also. At one point, before we started dating she told me had this friend who she was sharing a hotel room with once and he accidentally took her underwear home and his wife found it. She also blew me off for three days once because she said a friend of hers was coming down from up north. So ok I still didn't suspect anything because I must be really really really naive. Wait, it gets better. This guy who took her underwear home to his wife, I asked her "what is he to you"? Because I wanted to know before I asked her out if she loved him. Here the punchline, she couldn't tell me, she said, "it's difficult to explain ". So i let it go because I didn't want to pressure her for an answer. I guess I should have. Turns out, it's all the same guy and he moved in the new apartment with her, they work together on a permanent basis. I found all of this out only because I caught her in a lie. I went to see her to talk about why she was avoiding me or what could be wrong, but she wasn't home. I asked her mom who had answered the door and was told that my girl and her friend left for the job "a few days ago". Exact words. So when I got back home my girl yells me on fb that they had just left for the job earlier that morning and she had just gotten a chance to msg me. That's the lie I caught her in. She used me, moved her new guy in without telling me for three weeks and expects me to believe she never had sex with him until after I broke up with her, she said she never even liked him when we were together. She said she never lied to me but she did. She says she never cheated on me. Why did she act like she even liked me?

  23. i'm not really into all this things but you've just described me like literally described me

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I like reading this..I really got an understanding of the female Virgo..I did realize there was a difference between us male Virgos and the female Virgos..but didn't realize the depth of the difference.

    1. I'm a virgo women and alot of things she said is true. I'm really not with the fall in love quick kind of thing. But I'm very honest and if i go on a date with you it's cause I'm not looking for a relationship i just want to have fun and have sex.

  26. I met a virgo guy 2 months ago.we were only texting for 2 months and after that decided to meet. We had a lovely evening...lots of the end we only hugged each other. Next date was amazing too..we spent 4 hours together talking and kissing. We did not cross the line although he insisted. Our first physical contact was on our third date-12 days after the second one ..we were intimate and it was amazing...he told me couple of times how beautiful i gentle i am...that he was enjoying me hugging him...the day after he texted me to ask how am i...the next day i texted him...and the day after that only asking him:how are you? He has not responded for 4 days!...I'm devastated...should i be worried? I really thought we had a connection. Please tell me what to do next? If he text me eventually, should i reply? I really care about him and can't think about anything else. I'm a taurus woman. Thank you!

  27. I am a virgo woman dating a virgo man. The ten traits listed above are very spot-on. I have dated Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini, and now Virgo. We had three exceptional dates, kissed a few times and went no further. We both want to be sure that this is what we want, or should I say that we are what the other wants. My beef with him is that I always have to initiate the conversation, he responds immediately but doesn't initiate, and this is really getting me mad. I don't want to be the only person doing all the work or the heavy lifting in this process. I am not a patient virgo.

  28. I'm surprised this is spot on.....kinda.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I'm a pisces female, i'm in a new relationship with a virgo man, and i totally adore him he treats me well and i can see falling in love with him every minute i spend with him, his my super hero he protects me and looks after me.We connect on a deeper level, the sex is out of this world and still is mind blowing and i never thought i would feel this way again for a guy, since i been hurt way too many times. How ever he does sometimes need his alone time, and his boy time and i allow him to do his own thing. he has told me he loves me. this guy is amazing. if u don't want guy who is caring, supportive, and affectionate then the virgo guy is not for you. they are extremely sensitive, don't break their personality down. but in total this guy is absolutely amazing. Liked your post thank u

  31. If he doesn't text, and I always initiate this... What should I do? I feel like my pride is annoyed but I like him a lot. I'm a female sag he's a virgo

  32. I have had relationships with lots of Virgo men. With all of them you have to give them space. They can be extremely intense, and then you don't hear from them for days. It's not that they don't care - these creatures analyse everything to the nth degree, particularly themselves. Give them time to do this, and don't hurry them. When they are ready, they will come back to you. Viragos are incredibly loyal, but you should never demand that loyalty from them.

  33. This was absolutely the best! Very very helpful, to the point, etc... thanks and may I add FINALLY! ����

  34. A Pisces guy dating a virgo gal. 7 years my senior than her. Never pressure a virgo woman in bed, that's one thing I learned. Make her feel comfortable and secure, sometimes it took hours just napping and talking for her to give in.
    We have built trust, respect, honesty and faith in our relationship. I never got tired listening to her. She sends me text messages early in the morning and at night and even calls me in mid days. Her critical nature always shows but I just laugh her off and knows she doesn't mean anything to annoy me. Sophisticated and naturally beautiful I could stare over her the whole night. Compromises came naturally for both of us and never argued anything within our agreements.
    She never asked for any help on anything and she appreciates my eagerness to help her but still she gets it done by self. One redflag, if a virgo woman asked for financial help then watch out and think it over.
    Right now, she is preparing and training for her work overseas and I will surely miss her company but it's worth the wait.
